
RIP Finale 1988-2024

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Topics - Wolf

Gaming / Wolfz Top 10s!!!
March 19, 2019, 09:15:48 AM
Other than game reviews, this is something I also wanna do. Talk about top tens of various things(mostly game related).

1.Super Smash Bros Music
2.Super Smash Bros Fighters
3.Super Smash Bros Stages
4.Game Franchises
5.Utaite Music
Now I know how to upload pictures I might as well do what I always wanted to do: upload my drawings, pictures, and more.

Here's my first upload! Just a typical Smash Bros. Ultimate pic.
Completed by SombreroGuy123
Wow a long time since I requested anything. I used to arrange everything myself but this I can't do.
Music / Utaite
December 25, 2018, 08:28:37 AM
While I was studying for 3 years, I started listening to Japanese music, mainly utaite. And since I know i'm not the only nerd here maybe is there anyone else who listens to utaite music? My favorite singer is mafumafu.
WOW!!!!!!!!!! Just in time. I just got back from Geneva and there's a topic that I needed!!! Well ima gonna post arrangements that don't fit elsewhere. Probably most are Anime and others from random shit. And here's my first one!

I don't know if there's anyone who watches "The Garden of Sinners" but if there's anyone, then I arranged "Natsu no Ringo". Which means "Summer Apple" in Japanese(LOL). Tell me what ya think bout it! :)
Forum Games / Things that just don't make sense
May 07, 2015, 03:08:50 AM
So this will be a topic where I tell u guys something that just doesn't make any sense and see what u think about it.

1. Say you have a child. He goes to school, and he didn't bring his math book. And he couldn't borrow a piece of paper from anyone. So he decides to write the important things on his arm. Then he comes back from school. You look at his arm and say: Whats that? So the kid says: Its just things I wrote at math class. I forgot to bring my math book, so I just wrote the most important thing on my arm. Then what would you say?
Here's the answer.
Get out of my house!
Pls write honestly.
Off-Topic / Yu-Gi-Oh topic
April 05, 2015, 03:46:11 AM
Anyone else still collect em these days? Cause I do!!!!!!!! I'd like to see someone share there thoughts about it. Although I'm pretty sure this is gonna be buried.
Request / [PC] MapleStory - Multiple songs
March 14, 2015, 11:32:18 PM
Note: I'll put the youtube links later.

1. Henesys theme
2. Leafre theme
3. Ludibrium theme

Nintendo / Starfox Wii U(?)
February 28, 2015, 10:31:06 AM
So I heard there will be a new starfox game for the Wii U. Is it true? Anything about it can be discussed here. Cause I wanna know.
Forum Games / Test to see if you can lock poll.
February 03, 2015, 11:14:08 PM
Help! / Youtube help
January 23, 2015, 06:28:40 AM
I got a channel that's going pretty fine so I want to add profile pics and more. Can anyone tell me how I put profile pics on youtube?
Off-Topic / What do you want to do in 2015?
December 31, 2014, 07:40:46 AM
Looks like the year when there will be hover boards, self lacing shoes, and flying cars is not too far( well at least in here, I don't know maybe some other Countries became new years but whatever) how bout we post what we want to do in 2015? Like what you want to do or what you want to get or things like that. So, I'll start.

I want to upload all my arrangements I promised to arrange.
Forum Games / The Guessing Game
December 07, 2014, 01:38:38 AM
I think of something, and all of u match what it is. You can ask 20 questions but it has to make me reply Yes or No. And whoever guessed it guesses the next one.
I start!!!!
K. Thought of one.
Help! / Finale Songwriter help.
August 23, 2014, 07:49:08 AM
Well, this is probably the reason why I don't submit sheets that much, but if you guys can help me then I can make sheets way faster than now.
I'm a little weak with computers so I just don't get some stuff even if I try reading the instructions over and over.
First of all, how do I make 'tie's and '8va's? Ties just work as slurs and 8vas don't even work. Someone plz help me with dis situation.
Ok. I made a terrible mistake. At my high school, I've been invited to the school festival that's supposed to be opened at November. They said that I'm the best Arranger and Pianist that they could find in my school. So they asked if I wanted to preform on a live audience and I said yes. After that, they told me to play one of my compositions and two of my arrangements. But one of them has to be a duet with my brother. So I thought of doing Gourmet race as a duet and Green greens as a solo. BUT, there was a problem. My bro can't play Gourmet race well and I can't play Green greens myself. Although the Green greens I was practicing was my own arrangement, I just can't make it more beautiful and with more notes. And the fact that my bro keeps saying that he want's to duet Green greens, I really have no other option. So can any of you Arrange Green greens DUET and Gourmet race SOLO??? I have a heck ton of other arrangements and compositions to finish and I can't waste time on these. Oh and the festival is arranged to September for some god knows what reason so............... Pls help me.

Here are the Links. Note that there are no Zeldas so here you go.
Nintendo / What SSBB characters do you play most?
June 30, 2014, 10:55:37 PM
Note that Starfox isn't in the poll. So if one of em is your top 7, then say it in the comments.
Nintendo / Recommend me some NES games.
June 02, 2014, 12:55:47 AM
I want to play some NES games but don't know what to play. So please recommend me some NES games.
Home-Made Compositions / Wolf's Compositions.
May 15, 2014, 08:50:16 AM
My dream is becoming a composer. So I thought that I might need to do some composing first. And that's exactly what I did. I just finished a song and now i'm planning to draw it on finale and upload it here. Note that I will not post very often so don't expect much. ::) ::) ::)

Here are the list of my compositions.

The Squirrel
An Elephants march

First one will be The Squirrel.