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Topics - MassiveMayhem

Yeah it's the new year so here's a request for the New Year songs in Animal Crossing City Folk

It's the song at 4:06 - 4:59. Couldn't find a link of just that one. So here's a few New Year tunes with it.
This is the credits ending. It's a cool one.

There's also this

Which I know isn't called Night Time but I'm not sure what the title is. This would be nice for an arrangement too :D

EDIT: First link wouldn't embed.
Request / [GC] Mario Party 6 and 7 - Multiple Songs
November 24, 2012, 07:36:39 PM
I've always loved Mario Party music, could never get it out of my head.

Neon Nation -

Towering Treetop -

Faire Square -

Thanks to who takes up a song :D
Completed by Shadoninja

Menu Theme

This game just warms my heart, and the song means a lot to me. Hopefully a talented arranger could whip this up for me?

EDIT: grammar
This song is pretty smooth and nice, it's short so that's always a plus. If it's not too much of a trouble I don't really want this to be a duet, simplify it if need be for a solo. n_n

Yugi's Manor

EDIT: The Embed link for the video wasn't working, so here's the raw link.
Request / [PS1] Final Fantasy VII - "Main Theme"
January 31, 2012, 05:10:38 PM
Main Theme from FFVII Piano Collections.
Some guy playing it. if this helps at all in the arranging process.

Thanks guys!!
Other Performance Videos / MM plays piano for you!
January 29, 2012, 09:14:09 AM
So yeah, 12 AM and I whipped this up.  Played it a bit too fast but oh well.
Request / [PS2] Kingdom Hearts - "Traverse Town"
January 22, 2012, 10:11:41 AM
This is Traverse Town on the Kingdom Hearts Piano Collections :)

This is some guy playing it if this helps at all.
Off-Topic / OMGPOP: Draw my Thing!
January 15, 2012, 07:53:50 PM
If you haven't heard of this game on OMGPOP it's great. It's basically Pictionary.  It's a fun time for everyone to laugh at others bad drawings or bad spelling. You can play other games but Draw my thing is the most fun.

1. Just go to:
2. Make a free account
3. Add other NSM friends!
4. Join a skype chat for additional epic fun!

NSM OMGPOP members:

MassiveMayhem - MassiveMayhem
Triforced1 - Triforced1
Ruto - Ruto
Olimar12345 - Olimar12345
Saria - NSMSaria
shadoninja - shadoninja
Winter - winterkid09
Help! / Avatar limit?
January 12, 2012, 05:58:01 PM
Okay so I'm trying to change my avatar to a gif. I can put some gifs and they'll move. But if I put one that's slightly more memory it doesn't work for me.
Request / [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Multiple Songs
December 19, 2011, 06:37:47 PM
Just couple songs from FFXIII-2 :)

 Future -
Wish   - (basically the same thing as Future but a slight difference)

Noel's Theme -

So great, Thanks c:

EDIT: Fixed titles, and songs.
Fulfilled requests / [GBC] Pokemon Pinball - "Blue Field"
November 16, 2011, 06:17:21 PM
Completed by Shadoninja

For those arranging it, could you possibly make it jazzier, long short long, because it sounds it should be.

Here's a video of a guy playing it. Hes really good by the way, check out his channel.
Help! / Time zone change?
October 29, 2011, 08:59:29 AM
Hey, where do I change my time zone? Because when people post stuff It says like 5 AM when it's clearly 12 PM...
Art / Cosplay/Costume Help
October 23, 2011, 09:41:58 AM
Hey guys, this thread is for anyone making cosplay costumes and who need help with them.  I'm trying to make a backpack that mimics Finn's from Adventure Time.  My girlfriend and I are going as Finn and Fionna and we need help making the backpack.  Their backpacks are the same.  Anyone have any ideas?

Help! / Need a new song to learn ASAP.
October 10, 2011, 04:19:38 PM
Okay so I have family coming from out of state and they're all "Oh you play piano you need to play for me blehearkljdiaofjea."  So I need a pretty song that can wow them, and isn't hard to learn because I only have like couple days.
Here are my arrangements! 
New ones will be noted in purple text.
Most future arrangements will be based of requests but I will arrange songs I just feel like doing.

Final Fantasy IX
Melodies of Life ~ NEW!

Final Fantasy XIII
Blinded by Light (Battle Theme)

In progress:

The Promised- Final Fantasy XIII
Call of Magic - Title Theme - Elderscrolls III: Morrowind
K.K. Ragtime - Animal Crossing
Hurry, Starfish - Clannad
Virbank City - Pokemon B/W2

In other news, links should be fixed whenever I'm not lazy
Help! / I need help I am noob
September 16, 2011, 07:44:03 PM
Okay, since I'm kind of new to this arranging deal and what not. I'm not 100% sure how to convert .MUS to PDF and MIDI. I finished a song I wish to upload but I want to provide such things.  So how do I do it?
Help! / Finale Playback error?
August 21, 2011, 08:16:58 PM
I'm using my friends version of Finale and for some reason it's not letting me fast forward through the playback. When I hit fast forward it goes back to the beginning which is really irritating when I'm trying to hear just a certain part.  Anyone know how to fix this?
Help! / Chat help?
August 20, 2011, 04:19:27 PM
Okay so I hit chat on the main page and when it says to verify java, I accidently hit cancel, so now I can't get it even if I reload the page.