
NinSheetMusic is the LARGEST video game sheet music archive on the entire internet worldwide!

Main Menu's Arrangements - [NES] Mega Man 2 - "Air Man Stage" (Replacement)

Started by, November 18, 2016, 04:33:37 AM

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[ARCADE] Ghouls 'n Ghosts - "Opening"


Okay, so I didn't get to as many spooky sheets as I wanted to this Halloween. School's been throwing a lot at me lately, and I had to finish up a request for someone I met on a Discord server, so there wasn't time to do more than this short little piece. What a great opening theme, though! Perfect for a goofy horror game of the Ghosts 'n Goblins franchise, and perfect for the time I had this last half of October. Thanks to Static for helping me with the chord spelling. Enjoy!
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[NES] Mega Man - "Ending"


It took long enough for someone to arrange this one.


[ARCADE] Puyo Puyo - "Theme of Puyo Puyo"


No Puyo Puyo sheets on NinSheetMusic before the arrival of this one? I guess the series's music wasn't as popular as I thought.
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Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements


[PC] Vampire Killer - "Ending"


"Mom, can we get Castlevania?" "We've got Castlevania at home." Castlevania at home:

Jokes aside, I like that we have at least one original song in this MSX2 title. At least there's something this game can be remembered by.


[SNES] Kirby's Dream Course - "King Dedede"


I'm one step closer to arranging all the unconventional Dedede battle themes. Next up in this series, I'll be re-writing my sheet of his Pinball Land theme.
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements


[NES] Circus Charlie (NES) - "Stage 1"


Will you look at that! I actually took on a request, and finished it! Where's my cookie?

Also, my summer break from college is coming up here, soon. Maybe you can expect some more sheets from me? idk maybe
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements

There's been a running joke in the NinSheetMusic Discord server about "Mega Man Mondays", on which the sites' sheets' popularity measurements are reset (or something like that,) and five Mega Man arrangements (most of which are mine) overtake the most popular sheets of the week... see for yourself!

omigosh im famus
You cannot view this attachment.

I haven't been entirely truthful with you guys. I've said that all of my finished sheets have been posted, but that's not correct. I've got a bunch of sheets from the Game Boy Mega Man titles, from II and IV, that I've been meaning to release all at once, as part of a big project. With my composition game stepping up, I've decided to put this on hold and release these sheets weekly, in honor of Mega Man Mondays. Y'know, in case Dr. Wily's Revenge and III are the only projects in this line I end up finishing.

So let's kick this off! Three brand-new arrangements, and two re-writes, all from Mega Man II! Don't let your drummer friends hear these

[GB] Mega Man II


Wood Man Stage [ZIP]

0th - 40th? (Re-Write)

Magnet Man Stage [ZIP]


Top Man Stage [ZIP]

0th - 40th? (Re-Write)

Dr. Wily Stage Start & Dr. Wily Stage 1 [ZIP]


Boss [ZIP]

Each one of these has its own little story, but I'll put those aside for now. Enjoy! And I'll see you next week...
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements

Welcome back! It's now week two of...

Mega Man Mondays!

*slow clap*

Thank you, thank you. We've got two Mega Man IV sheets for you today: one for the song that plays when you unlock Beat, Mega Man's robotic bird, and another for the unused variant. (thanks, TCRF!)

[GB] Mega Man IV


Beat [ZIP]


Beat (Unused) [ZIP]

Guess what? We've reached a major milestone in this PA! What is it, you ask? It's...

100 Mega Man Sheets!!!

... that's funny, I thought I had a speech prepared for this. Huh, I guess not.

Well, there's plenty more to come—enjoy, and I'll see you next week!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements

Hi there, folks! It's now week three of...

Mega Man Mondays!

*slow clap*

Thank you, thank you. Today, I'll be sharing three more Mega Man IV sheets, all based around the stage select system.

[GB] Mega Man IV


Stage Select 1 [ZIP]


Stage Select 2 [ZIP]


Stage Start [ZIP]

Looking through my Finale folder has made me realize just how many Mega Man IV sheets I have left to share. Tune in next time, and enjoy!

Oh, and now we're celebrating 150 Game Boy sheets! There's plenty more where that came from...
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements

Hi there, folks! It's now week four of...

Mega Man Mondays!

*slow clap*

Thank you, thank you. You know what I've never tried before? Death. I've got no idea what it's like, but luckily, the Mega Man games have given us all some ideas. Here's my last two remaining "Game Over" sheets from the Game Boy titles!


[GB] Mega Man IV - "Game Over"


With a theme this cool, I can't get mad after losing all my lives, now, can I?


[GB] Mega Man V - "Game Over"


This second one was actually arranged this evening, so that the above sheet had a buddy. Good thing it was short!

Enjoy, and tune in next week for more Mega Man!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements

Time to break up this string of Mega Man Mondays and bring you a different sheet!


[Wii] Wii Chess - "A Game of Chess 2"


Wii Chess was released exclusively in Europe, and later in Japan through the WiiWare service. Scott The Woz did a video about this game, and while I didn't watch it, I looked into the soundtrack, and was lucky enough to find it. The compositions are okay, nothing outstanding, but the piano soundfont? It's apalling! So, you could say the main reason I'm arranging for this game is because I intend to "remaster" its OST, because, let's face it, even Finale playback sounds better than this.

It is relaxing music, though, so I hope you enjoy!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements

I don't think I've deleted a submission in a long, long time. But this brand new arrangement needs to be in subs—now!

Sorry, "Devil's Resurrection". Maybe another day...


[NES] Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation - "Rondo"


If you didn't know, Square Enix has recently announced a remake of Dragon Quest III, built using the same engine as Octopath Traveler. Its release date hasn't been announced yet, but it already looks gorgeous. Though I've only played two Dragon Quest games before, I'm hyped to see such an old game get a fresh coat of paint, and I'll certainly be playing it some day.

Now, the soundtrack! It's very good, and you should all listen to the symphonic suite arrangements, before Sugiyama's rabid legal team takes them down from YouTube. Not a lot of it will be suitable for keyboard, though, so I'm glad I could at least get "Rondo" to work. Here's to hoping we can get more sheets for it here, to anticipate the remake's release. Enjoy!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements

Hi there, folks! It's now week five of...

Mega Man Mondays!

*slow clap*

Thank you, thank you. This week, I've got two more Mega Man IV sheets, with no particular theme in mind.

[GB] Mega Man IV


Password [ZIP]


Get a Weapon [ZIP]

Sooner or later, I'll be scraping the bottom of the barrel, taking very unpolished IV sheets and trying to fix them up to PA standards. But look how many we've got so far: 11! By the end of this summer, we may even surpass the Dr. Wily's Revenge sheet count (we've already surpassed III's!). We'll just have to wait and see, though. Enjoy!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements

Hi there, folks! It's now week six of...

Mega Man Mondays!

*slow clap*

Thank you, thank you. It's not often that I have a sheet of mine performed, but I was lucky enough to have daj perform this, all the way back in 2017! The recording was a private video sent through Discord DMs, so no one else actually saw it, but it was very well done, and it's criminal that I haven't posted the sheet for it yet. Well, here it is! (updated from the 4-year-old draft, of course)


[GB] Mega Man IV - "Ending"


It's called "Ending 2" on the video because "Ending 1" is just a port of Mega Man 4's credits theme (the remix of Mega Man 2's title screen).

I'll see you all next week for another two Mega Man IV arrangements. Enjoy!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements

Not sure when I'll be continuing Mega Man Mondays, but I think I'll put them on hold for now, to spend more time on Jeff the Delivery Guy.

Here's my most recent submission!


[NES] Mega Man - "Guts Man Stage"


For more information on Jeff the Delivery Guy, just click on this link. It's coming soon!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements

You already know I arranged this sheet, but I gotta make it official, don't I? Y'know, for the archives...


[GG] Sonic Chaos - "Turquoise Hill Zone"


This song benefits so much from its Tee Lopes-inspired remix.

School's almost here again for me! So, with this new schedule, what will I arrange next?


Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements

Hey, guys! How are all of you doing today?

... good to hear, good to hear. That's nice.

[NES] Mega Man


Ice Man Stage [TOPIC]


Fire Man Stage (Replacement) [ZIP]


[ARCADE] Haunted Castle - "Dracula's Room"


And with that, I've finished arranging for the original Mega Man! All there's left to do is wait for the next submission cycle, and I can get my remaining sheets onto the site. Expect to see two more Haunted Castle sheets on-site in the next month or so.

Cheers, everybody! And enjoy!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements