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Messages - Libera

Moving this to the archive for now.  Resubmit whenever is convenient for you.
Archiving this for now.  Feel free to resubmit at your convenience.
Archiving this for now.  Feel free to resubmit whenever you're able to.
December 07, 2018, 02:07:27 AM
Good work everyone! <3
Paraglider (n.)- a factor or variable that must be taken into account when piloting planes at low altitude.
Project Archive / Re: Super Smash Bros. Update
December 04, 2018, 04:45:32 PM
We need more prequel memes on NSM.

You missed the E -> D in the LH of bar 77.  That's my fault, I should have made it more clear I meant both hands.

That's all I have, when you make that change I'll give it my approval.
Project Archive / Re: Super Smash Bros. Update
December 04, 2018, 04:13:47 PM
Quote from: Yug_Guy on December 04, 2018, 03:43:07 PMI tried slowing down the song & that's what's playing.
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This is what I can hear.

Quote from: Yug_Guy on December 04, 2018, 03:43:07 PMI don't hear it. Seems like a standard I-bVII chord progression.
I decided to run that quaver through a spectrum analyser because I really wasn't hearing the An.
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It's messy, but there's no An.
Definitely have a read through of the formatting guidelines and try and make your file fit them.  There are a number of issues that D3ath has already pointed out (margins, spacing, pno. on subsequent staves, etc.)

I definitely agree with halving all the note values and putting it in 2/4 instead.
Project Archive / Re: Super Smash Bros. Update
December 03, 2018, 05:04:07 PM
Quote from: on December 02, 2018, 07:59:46 PMAfter hearing the Results Display Screen in SSB4 so much, I just can't get over this change, even though I can kinda hear it now.

Ahhhh that's why I was so confused.  I was thinking 'I can't hear these notes but my mind really wants to hear them'. 

Quote from: Yug_Guy on December 02, 2018, 02:49:06 PMUpdated Famicom Medley & Namco Medley 1. Not gonna go through all of the feedback individually cause that'd take too long. Yes, I ended up enlarging the systems, at multiple updater's request.

Latios has accepted Famicom medley now I believe.

Namco Medley:

-Bar 77 the last quaver should be a D rather than an E (like it is everywhere else so I assume this was just an accident.)
-In the final two bars, did you simplify the bass on purpose?  I'm hearing it having a lot more movement.
-The 8va in bar 48 is still placed ambiguously.
-Left hand bar 84 you're missing a quaver F right at the end of the bar.
-Left hand bar 63 sounds like G G# A B rather than G A A# B.  Probably also caused by it being out of tune.
-Any reason you left out the bass part in bar 45?
-I'd bring the pedal off on the final beat of bar 21 rather than the first of bar 22.
-I'm hearing the An in the third quaver of bar 89 as Bn.

I think that's all but I'm pretty tired at the moment so I might have missed something.

Also that ending section is really reminding me of the pizza music from Spiderman 2. :/
Forum Games / Re: THE Sixth NinSheetMusic Superlatives!
December 03, 2018, 02:45:04 PM
I would prefer Most Likely to Survive Galeem's Beam since it's a Nintendo reference.
Forum Games / Re: THE Sixth NinSheetMusic Superlatives!
December 03, 2018, 10:53:47 AM
This looks like it'll be fun!  The categories are certainly ... interesting.  :P
Sweet, the changes look good.  If you want to keep the key signature change at the end, that's cool, but I'd put the key signature change back in for 9-12 for consistency since they're both similar sections.
Project Archive / Re: Super Smash Bros. Update
December 02, 2018, 01:50:55 PM
Quote from: Yug_Guy on December 01, 2018, 10:48:52 PMI ended up shrinking the size of the staves & moving them around a bit, lmk if it needs adjusting
If you're going to do this, I'd just shrink the staff size rather than the whole page since now the track titles are very small.

Quote from: Yug_Guy on December 01, 2018, 10:48:52 PMOn one hand, I kinda agree with this. But on the other hand...
I guess all I can say is that I would have said the same thing had that been submitted while I was an updater.  If you really want to keep it that's fair enough; I'm just giving my opinion.

The other things look good, onto the rest of the feedback:

-I know it's what is on site, but I'd remove the staccatos in bar 26, especially on the super fast notes.
-I'd add staccatos on the crotchets in bar 34.
-Rhythm in left hand of bar 73, I'm hearing the second half of the bar the same as the first.
-Right hand of bar 61 I'm hearing the F tied to the dotted minim F.
-Left hand of bar 64 I'm hearing Ab Gn as the last two notes (so the bass goes up by a semitone into the next bar rather than staying on the same note.)
-Right hand bar 77 the bottom voice I'm hearing as Ab Eb Db Cn Db rather than Ab Eb Db Db Eb.
-Right hand bar 70 bottom voice I'm hearing the low Db as a Cb instead.  That stretch isn't really possible but you could put it up the octave.
-Right hand bars 27 and 29 bottom voice I'm hearing the first A as a Bb.
-Tempo change in bar 6 should be in bar 5.

I think that's it for notes.
I'm 99.9% sure none of these Drakengard arrangements will ever be played by anyone.

Fourth Chapter - On the Ground: [Musx] [Pdf] [Midi] [Mus]

Edit: I also noticed a bunch of my SoV youtube links went down so I've replaced all of those now.