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Messages - Latios212

I forgot I had a slot open all this time, so here's something super simple, so as to take less time away from other submissions.

I listed the game as StreetPass Mii Plaza and put the sub-game (Flower Town) in the track title, similar to the recent Nintendo Music release of the base games. Composer info from here.

No worries, I gotcha; files are updated! For the tempo marking I think I just needed to turn off the "fixed size" option on the Finale side.

With that, this sheet is approved! Nice work~
Thanks for the look! I think you're right about that. Updated :)
Awesome work! Just a few things to mention.

- m. 5 beat 1: LH should have Eb on top instead of Gb, and RH should have an additional Ab on bottom
- m. 5 beat 3: LH should be F-C-Eb
- m. 12 beat 2.5: I think I hear an Eb along with the F in the LH?
- You don't need the p dynamic in m. 9 since it's already at p. Additionally, the crescendo should stop before the barline at the end of m. 11, not touching or crossing it.
- https in URL
- I'd consider getting rid of the lower F# in the RH of m. 22 (and 18); it's a large stretch for harmony that's already covered
- I think the last chord actually falls on beat 1 of the last measure instead of anticipating it by an                 eighth note?

Also, later someone will need to edit the position of the whole notes in m. 14 so they don't overlap the eighth note stem, and remove extra accidentals in separate layers in m. 15 LH. Also changing the size of the tempo marking.
Site News / Updater changes (Sunday 9th of February 2025)
February 09, 2025, 11:26:33 AM
Hello friends, and a late welcome to 2025!

The first thing I want to announce is that Kricketune54 will be moving to the Ghost Updater role. Please give Kricketune many thanks for all the help reviewing sheets over the past couple of years!

But that's not all - we will also be bringing two longtime contributors onto the staff as new updaters! cashwarrior1 (also known as jascas) and Radiak488417 (not sure where the other 488416 of them went) are joining our updating team to help review sheets. It's been a bit of a slow season on the sheet review front due to our existing staff being pretty busy and needing to focus time on MuseScore support, but I feel much better about things with these two helping out. We will continue get to your submissions as soon as we possibly can!

That's all for today; please give them your congratulations and thanks for spending their time helping the site out - and look forward to more sheets as always in 2025! :D
Happy February all! Today I bring you another sheet written in MuseScore as I quickly become more comfortable with it. Making the jump from Finale wasn't as bad as I expected, and I at this point I'm more than happy to do my primary arranging in MuseScore from now on.

Anyway, please enjoy this classic tune that we don't have on site yet (I'll submit this shortly).

Animal Crossing: Wild World

NEW!  Title Theme[MSCZ][MIDI][PDF][Original] 

Neat. Nothing more to add from me, I think :P approved

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Here's some feedback, just up to m. 17 for now.

- The LH in m. 1 should be copied over to m. 2 and all the ones below it (until 22)
- I'm hearing this in the RH repeated for m. 1-6 (would be better under an 8va)
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- The high quarter notes also apply to m. 9-10 and 13-14
- Chord in m. 7 should have E instead of D in it
- I think the m. 9 chord shouldn't have a G in it
- m. 11-12 chords should have E instead of D
- m. 13 isn't playable; try writing in an E and B as whole notes underneath the top melody instead to keep it within a reasonable range for the right hand. The same applies for m. 17.
- m. 14 F# in the melody should be split up into two tied eighths
- m. 15 chord should have E instead of D
- The end of m. 15 is a triplet starting on the C, not 32nd notes
- A mordent isn't correct for m. 17, it has a similar rhythm to m. 13, instead going F# G A G.

I forgot if I've asked before, but do you need help transcribing, i.e. using tools so you can be more confident of the notes you're writing into the score?
Quote from: cashwarrior1 on January 17, 2025, 02:58:35 PMI made the section from 11 to the end as a suggestion of arrangement. I could also see the whole notes being played by the lh and just omitted the first Dn if that seems easier to play.
After testing both briefly, I think either works! Having the LH take the whole notes helps for m. 15-16 in particular; otherwise no issues with the difficulty.
My bad, I meant 2 and 3 are out of scope - nothing from (anime) adaptations or other unofficial arrangements.
For what it's worth, I hear the rhythm as written... the chords and LH quarter notes definitely feel like they're the strong beats to me
Hello, welcome to the forums! :) Good questions.

Quote from: PickleofLight on January 31, 2025, 11:05:21 AM1. Can I submit/request songs exclusive to a soundtrack release? (like, unused songs or soundtrack exclusive remixes?)
2. Can I submit/request songs from an adaptation of a game? (i.e. "Dark Sun" from the Persona 5 anime)
3. Can I submit/request unofficial versions of songs? (for instance, The 8-Bit Big Band's arrangement of "Lost in Thoughts, All Alone" from FE: Fates)
4. can i submit/request arrangements for beta versions of songs? (i.e. The persona 5 beta version of "Wake Up, Get Up, Get out there")
5. (Ik it's off-topic, but,) will I need to verify EVERY time I post something?

3 and 4 are out of scope, we don't host those on site. 1 and 4 have been done in the past, but we'd probably need to take it on a case-by-case basis. For 5, you shouldn't need to after your initial one if I recall correctly... but let me know if you continue to be bothered by it.

Quote from: PickleofLight on January 31, 2025, 11:05:21 AM(PS: I'm just now realizing that I've used Persona 5 songs almost exclusively... oops?)
No oops, we could always use more P5 stuff :P
I shall leave my approval then~

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A third Sunday in a row? Crazy!
(Back to Finale for this one since I started this sheet earlier.)

Genshin Impact

NEW!  A Distant Farewell[MUS][MIDI][PDF][Original] 

Awesome! Then let's finally call this one accepted!