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Messages - Radiak488417

Quote from: Libera on August 04, 2019, 03:54:15 PM-Finale defaults to flipping all layer 1 notes up if there are any layer 2 notes present but that's not always what you want to do.  Since layer 2 is only really there for the start of the bar you'll want to flip a lot of the left hand stuff the normal direction.

Ah, thanks for that! I actually did have them flipped down, but the XML import must have flipped them back. Files have been updated.
Looks great, thank you!

Space Junk Galaxy part 3, anyone?

I'm having some difficulties implementing proper pedal playback in NotePad (namely pickups), and there doesn't seem to be a way to hide pedal markings for the pedal simile. If someone could help me with those things, that would be great.
Submission has been updated. Thanks for all the help, guys!
Quote from: Dekkadeci on July 14, 2019, 09:59:08 PMI also support using Trasdegi's Musescore template and XML formatter in
I just tried this, and although it seems somewhat helpful, it does not fix the main issues I usually run into with importing (articulations being messed up, fonts not translating, etc.). I will use it for all future arrangements, though.

Quote from: Libera on July 15, 2019, 09:30:20 AM-Normally when you have additive time signatures you have them notated as such in the time signature itself rather than as a marking.
I might agree if it was something more obscure/weird, but I think this song fits nicely into 9/8. Also, 9/8 subdivided into 4 unequal pulses is decently common as far as odd times go. I see no need to do an additive time sig here, especially since other time sigs have been notated on-site the way I did it.  If it's really that big of an issue I suppose we could change it, but it looks fine to me as is.
Quote from: Libera on July 15, 2019, 09:30:20 AM-It might just be the video you linked doing something funny at the start, but I actually don't hear the first left hand note in bar 1.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. Pretty sure it's just an issue with the video, most other videos that I can find of the song do have the note in question.  I only linked the one I did because it's the highest quality version I could find.

Quote from: Libera on July 15, 2019, 09:30:20 AM  -I'm not 100% convinced on the staccato pattern in the left hand bars 18 onwards.  It feels oddly specific and I can't really hear it like that in the original so it might be worth coming up with something a little more natural (like maybe all the lower notes staccato and the top ones not staccato).
It sure is oddly specific, but that's what I'm hearing. If it's too weird I can change it.

Quote from: Libera on July 15, 2019, 09:30:20 AM-I get that the notes are there, but some of the quaver runs of triads are a little awkward to play and it might be worth cutting some notes there for playability purposes.
Omitted some notes in measures 7, 19, 23, and 27. Submission has been updated. Let me know if I missed anything you thought was too awkward or edited something I didn't need to.

Quote from: Libera on July 15, 2019, 09:30:20 AM-Some of the beaming was a little off in places.  In 3+2+2+2 split the 3 group off from the rest and I wouldn't beam across groups unless you can get the whole of all of the groups you beam across.  There's also a few places in the 4/4 section where you can write crotchet tied to quaver as a dotted crotchet and similarly minim tied to crotchet as dotted minim.
I only found one instance of the first thing you said about 9/8 grouping (measure 7), but it has been fixed. As for the 4/4 stuff, if you're talking about measures 18, 21 and 26, those were all edits by Levi. I originally had them notated as dotted, but he changed them to multiple tied notes. I'm honestly not sure which is more correct, so I'll just leave them as they are for now.

If there's anything else I can do, let me know.
I apologize about the title, I thought it would be too long. Lesson learned, I suppose. Submission has been updated with the correct title and an updated .mus file with the rests and staccatos fixed. Unfortunately I can't export PDFs from NotePad, so if someone else could do that then that would be great. Also, even though you didn't mention it, thanks for fixing some of the note durations—it seems I need to check more thoroughly for those.

(Incidentally, I do use a template with correct formatting for my sheets, it just apparently breaks when converting to MusicXML.)

The soundtrack to this game has some of the best usage of the extra sound channel on the FDS that I've ever heard. The formatting in the .mus file is messed up once again due to importing from Musescore.
It looks great! The only other thing is this:

Quote from: Radiak488417 on April 19, 2019, 04:43:56 PMAs for things you may have missed, I'm almost positive I hear a B#/C grace note in the melody's lower voice at measure 9, beat 2, and in the same spot in measure 37.

If you really just aren't hearing it then we could get someone else to weigh in, but again, I'm 99% sure it's there.
I fixed all instances of the 16th-8th-16th pattern, so that'd be measures 3 and 4 on beat 1.25, measures 5 and 6 on beat 2.25, measures 15/16 and measures 19/20 on beat 2.25, and measure 8/28 on beat 2.25 (although I seem to have missed the bass on m. 28).

I also have a question about the bass in measures 5/6 and measures 21/22—they seem to be the exact same rhythm, just notated differently. You mentioned the beaming between beats 1 and 2 being incorrect in 21/22, so I fixed that. However, measures 5 and 6 have the first two notes as staccato quarter notes. Which should I use, eighths or quarters?
I do have Notepad, although I hate working with it... Regardless, I managed to suck it up and make the edits. Submission has been updated (except the PDF, Notepad seems to think I don't have enough memory to export it :P). I think I was wrong about measure 12—it IS a triplet, my confusion was coming from the grace note, so disregard that whole thing I said about it. Let me know if I missed something!
I agree with you, Latios. Swing 16ths, unconventional though they may be, are definitely the best way to notate this piece (plus MuseScore doesn't let you change multiple note values at once so I would have to rework the entire piece to do swing 8ths). mastersuperfan, I also agree with your sentiment about 16th-8th-16th rhythms, that makes a lot of sense. However, I'm not quite sure how to proceed from here, because in order for me to edit the beaming I'd have to import everything back into MuseScore, which would mess up the formatting again. If someone would be willing to fix it up again that would be great, but it seems like a hassle to do this every time...
Once again, the formatting is a bit wonky due to importing from Musescore.

Well, isn't that something. Thanks Dekkadeci! I've seen a lot of your arrangements on the MuseScore website, you're a fantastic arranger as well as composer.
Thanks, Latios, and sorry for the late reply! I really appreciate you taking the time to fix all my bad 16th note rhythms (beaming across rests is a nightmare in MuseScore). I'll definitely be giving that guide a read.

Quote from: Latios212 on April 02, 2019, 06:11:27 PM- Fixed a few inaccurate rhythms and pitches here and there. Overall it's very accurate though, hardly anything important was missed. A few things to point out are the melody in m. 7 beat 3.75 (B instead of A) m. 24 (not the same as 22), m. 33 top layer (should match the LH as C# and then Cn)

I can't believe I missed these, thank you!

Quote from: Latios212 on April 02, 2019, 06:11:27 PM- I don't think the melody should have accents on all the notes; I've hidden them so they still play back louder but for the sake of what's on paper it should be fine without. In place of that if you want you could use a dynamic or other indication to tell where the melody is.

Dynamics in MuseScore are global within each instrument (as far as I can tell), so if you set the top staff of piano 2 to forte and the bottom to mf, the whole thing will play back as mf. :P I considered writing "melody" or something but that seemed clunky/obtrusive.

As for things you may have missed, I'm almost positive I hear a B#/C grace note in the melody's lower voice at measure 9, beat 2, and in the same spot in measure 37. I don't know if I missed it or if you missed it, but it's there in my MuseScore file and isn't in the final submission. The other thing is that I'm pretty sure measure 12, beat 1 isn't actually a triplet—it's some other strange rhythm. I'm well aware that whatever ghastly thing I had notated there originally was incorrect, but unless I'm hearing things, the first note is longer than the second two. Leaving it a triplet seems like the simplest solution, but listening to the original and the Finale file back-to-back, something doesn't sound quite right.

Other than that everything seems great! Would it be possible to put this sheet in the next DPP Official Arrangement Project update? This song wasn't claimed by anyone, which is what inspired me to arrange it in the first place (besides it also being a favorite of mine).
Just updated the submission—the rhythms and accidentals should be a bit less messy now.